الصفحة الرئيسية / اتصل
2024/8/6 The additional tailings storage costs for these four metals alone could amount to US$1.6 trillion (ref. 1) and place greater pressure on land and water resources 14,15. These احصل على السعر
Since 1915, 257 TSF failures have occurred, releasing a total of ~250 million m3 of tailings, destroying areas up to ~5,000 km2, killing an estimated 2,650 people and impacting ~317,000 احصل على السعر
2024/6/10 Tailings are residual materials generated during the ... (1983) published a landmark report to develop a four-step process of health risk assessment (i.e., hazard احصل على السعر
2023/5/6 The long-term presence of tailings ponds could pollute the surrounding soil, which in turn has an impact on crops and human health. In this study, surface soil samples and crops احصل على السعر
2022/11/1 Tailings resulting from mining and smelting activities may cause soil heavy-metal pollution and harm human health. To evaluate the environmental impact of heavy metals from tailings on farmland soils in the surrounding area, احصل على السعر
2024/8/6 Mining generates 13 billion tonnes per year of potentially toxic wet slurry waste, called tailings, commonly deposited in tailings storage facilities (TSF). Since 1915, 257 TSF احصل على السعر
2024/3/5 The results reveal that the analyzed samples are mostly P-enriched in the mine tailings, farmland soil, and sediments, with P 2 O 5 concentrations ranging from 13.37 wt ...احصل على السعر
2021/3/1 Metal mining has caused the accumulation of waste mine tailing dumps from abandoned mines. The pollution of farmlands surrounding metal tailings by heavy metals has احصل على السعر
2023/12/1 The results reveal that the analyzed samples are mostly P-enriched in the mine tailings, farmland soil, and sediments, with P2O5 concentrations ranging from 13.37 wt% to احصل على السعر
2024/5/31 What Are the Dangers of Tailings? Mine tailings pose significant environmental hazards that require careful management to prevent long-term ecological damage. These احصل على السعر
2024/3/20 The abandonment of contaminated farmland reduces human disturbances, allowing HMs in the soil to undergo a natural aging process. The morphological distribution احصل على السعر
2024/3/20 The abandonment of contaminated farmland reduces human disturbances, allowing HMs in the soil to undergo a natural aging process. The morphological distribution احصل على السعر
2022/11/23 The yields under T3, T5 and T10 all exceeded 9,000 kgha −1, which is higher than that in local normal farmland, indicating that the maize yield in farmland constructed with احصل على السعر
Request PDF On Dec 1, 2023, Polyana Pereira and others published Geomorphologic risk zoning to anticipate tailings dams' hazards: A study in the Brumadinho's mining area, Minas احصل على السعر
The focus of this work was placed on tailings hazard from copper mines for two main reasons: copper mining generates 46 percent of the global volume of tailings, followed by gold (21%) احصل على السعر
2024/3/29 One of the most common methods for managing mine tailings is the construction of tailings ponds or tailings storage facilities (TSFs). These large-scale repositories serve as احصل على السعر
2024/3/5 The results are presented in Tables SM6–7 (supplementary data) showing that the hazard quotient (HQs) values for farmland soils, sediments, and mine tailings samples for احصل على السعر
Request PDF On Dec 1, 2023, Polyana Pereira and others published Geomorphologic risk zoning to anticipate tailings dams' hazards: A study in the Brumadinho's mining area, Minas احصل على السعر
The focus of this work was placed on tailings hazard from copper mines for two main reasons: copper mining generates 46 percent of the global volume of tailings, followed by gold (21%) احصل على السعر
2024/3/29 One of the most common methods for managing mine tailings is the construction of tailings ponds or tailings storage facilities (TSFs). These large-scale repositories serve as containment areas for the collected material, احصل على السعر
2024/3/5 The results are presented in Tables SM6–7 (supplementary data) showing that the hazard quotient (HQs) values for farmland soils, sediments, and mine tailings samples for احصل على السعر
2019/10/15 Moreover, the total non-carcinogenic hazard quotients of farmland soil pollution were within the safety threshold for adults, but there was a slight non-carcinogenic risk for احصل على السعر
2024/2/1 Evaluation of heavy metal speciation distribution in soil and the accumulation characteristics in wild plants: A study on naturally aged abandoned farmland adjacent to tailingsاحصل على السعر
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Distribution of the microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes in farmland surrounding gold tailings: A metagenomics approach." by L. Qiao احصل على السعر
2024/2/20 This link is, however, generally neglected in studies addressing tailings dams' hazards. Thus, despite the importance of geomorphologic vulnerability for the assessment and احصل على السعر
Farm hazards are factors that pose risks to the health and well-being of farm workers. These hazards are ongoing risks, and incidents occur as a result. Common farm hazards include احصل على السعر
The global mining industry generates several billion tons of waste every year. Much of it is stored in liquid form, known as tailings, in large impoundments. Recent dam failures at tailing ponds احصل على السعر
Apart from altering the landscape by changing the land use and land cover, these mine wastes, tailings, stockpiled overburden, and stockpiles pose a hazard to human health (Odoh et al. احصل على السعر
The results reveal that the analyzed samples are mostly P-enriched in the mine tailings, farmland soil, and sediments, with PO concentrations ranging from 13.37 wt% to 26.17 wt%, 0.91–21.70 احصل على السعر
2015/11/30 Therefore, there is need to develop guidelines for safe land-uses of contaminated lands after mine closure. Map showing mining areas in South Africa. Adapted احصل على السعر
2021/5/1 The farmland soil heavy metal pollution, not only has a great harm to the crops, and also caused great influence to human life and health. False degree is high, due to the احصل على السعر